Dining Furniture

If you are a food service operator, are you using the right size tables, chairs, and stools to maximize your space and comfortably accommodate your patrons?




Your menu and clientele can have as much to do with choosing the appropriate dining furniture as your overall décor and budget.

Smaller table sizes with a bistro size seat are okay if you’re quick serve or fast casual, but for a higher priced menu establishment, a larger table and chair might be called for. In fast casual a 30×30 table top may be all you need for 4 people to enjoy a sandwich and beverage, but if it’s a full course meal your serving, a 36×36 would be advisable to accommodate the extra dishes and serving items. A chair with an 16-18” wide seat may be all you need for a meal of 30-45 minutes, but for a longer dining experience a wider seat will offer more comfort. Similar top size considerations apply to rectangular and round tops.

Want to offer your diners more privacy? High backed booth seating might be the answer. Use a fully upholstered seat and back on the booth to offer the maximum comfort. A 42” long booth will handle 4, but it’ll be “cozy.” If you think the customer will be sitting for a while a 48” long may be preferable.

Does your establishment cater to a younger clientele? If so, you may find they are fine will smaller tables and chairs that allow them to socialize easier. Catering to adults with small children or seniors? You definitely will want more space at the table and on the chair seat.

Similar rules can apply to bar seating. If the bar is super busy and getting as many seats as possible at it is the priority, thinner, backless and/or swivel stools are called for. A more relaxed spot where folks will linger longer?  A bigger seat on the stool with a comfortable back is your best bet. Typically, allowing 24” for each seat will be sufficient to offer comfort at the bar.

Finally, do you cater to a “big crowd”? If so, avoid chairs or stools with arms that might be confining.

Style, size, and material all play a factor in your dining furniture choice to fit your décor, menu, and clientele.



To learn more about BFM Seating’s Dining Furniture, please click here or call us at 215-289-5411.


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